Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 11: Jesus' Love is a'bubblin' Over!

Today was filled with frustration, love and laughter. We did get a bit more time to board the can because Ivan has found a quicker route to school! Fantastic news!!  Once we arrived at Tema we realized the power was out for the 3rd time this week and we had forgotten the projector that lists the songs. We had a bunch of new songs we were planning to teach and sing with them, so it was interesting... Our junior high message was intended to be a very powerful one with a girl being invited to do a few things with a friend but declining because she was spending time with Jesus. When her crush called to ask her out, she immediately agreed and left Jesus. As he asks her to come back and spend time with her, she ends up nailing him up on the cross "where he belongs". Moving stuff! The children missed out on the main point though because of endless talking. I am having a really hard time adjusting to some things here- the biggest being all of the hitting, fighting and physicality that happens here. Teachers hit students upside the head or squeeze them by their cheeks or ears and then children do it to each other. It's an awful cycle. Following that, we tried a gross porridge type breakfast that tasted like Cheerios. Bad, really bad. We were able to teach two grades- nursery and 3rd grade. The nursery grades were SO cute and loved sing Jesus' love is a bubblin over. We even videotaped a bit of it!
The third graders discussed being a fisher of men with us and decorated fish. They were really good!  Everyday we are so exhausted on our way home that we fall asleep on the ride home. 

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