Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 7: Church and Chicken

Today we were able to visit both of the churches that are connected to the two Lutheran schools that we are working with.  We began by going to the church in Tema.  It began at 9:00 and we showed up a bit early, which was awesome because then we were able to listen to two ladies signing hymns.  When I think of hymns, I think of very traditional music out of the organ.  NOT THIS.  This has rhythm and beat- heart and soul- praise and thanksgiving- more than I have ever heard.  It was incredible.  As church began, the congregation was of 10 people in addition to our group.  Over the next 45 minutes, it quadrupled in size.  We had to leave early to make it back to Accra to attend St. John's service, so we went up to sing then.  We sang You Are My All in All and In Christ Alone.  Many joined in for these songs and the emotion, praise, thanks and glory being shown was completely moving and brought me to tears.  I wish I could have taped it.  I still get goosebumps thinking about it!  We arrived at St. John's and were planning on coming to the end of the 8:00 service at 10:10.  I forgot that this is Africa time and the service was actually JUST starting at this point.  It was crazy.  We were able to attend the entire service- participate in both offerings (one for general use and one for a specific project) and see the wonderful choir lead us in songs that just wouldn't end because of celebrating until the pastor had to cut us off.  It was great, expect that it lasted over 2 1/2 hours in no air conditioning.  Praise the Lord for fans!  The first offering was common, passing around a basket.  But the second one was a dance offering where everyone danced their way to drop it off in the baskets at the front.  That was also entertaining!
Church was followed by Bishop Finn inviting us all to his restaurant, "Southern Fried Chicken", where we were served with the other visitors from all of the country of Ghana and further away!  It was amazing to hear stories and get to know them!  I sat with a woman from Wisconsin who has lived in Ghana off and on for the last 40 years.  Her name was Lois and she was doing mission work in another school nearby.  Another one of our group members got sick at the restaurant so we hurried home for her to rest.  We took this chance to hike 4KM to Global Mamas to shop a bit at the free trade store.  I purchased a recipe book filled with standard Ghanaian food- I'm sure Grant will love all the testing I'm going to do on him!  The day was exhausting, so we finished with dinner and devotions and went off to sleep!

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